Alzheimer's disease, which is an insidious and slowly progressing disease that is not reversible, is popularly known as dementia. Alzheimer's disease causes memory, thought and behavior problems. Problems progress over time and may worsen enough to affect daily activities. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, and 50-80% of all dementia cases are due to Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is not defined as a condition that is the result of aging, although the majority of patients are over the age of 65. 5% of people who get this disease are around 40-50 years old.
Although the causes of Alzheimer's disease are not known for certain, hereditary factors, protein accumulation in the brain, death of brain cells, deterioration of neural transmission, advanced age, previous depression, heart attack, vascular diseases such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, and serious head trauma are among the risk factors.
In order to prevent Alzheimer's disease, which can reduce the quality of life and reach serious health levels, some brain-based warnings should be paid attention to in daily life.
Forgetfulness that begins to affect daily life,
Having problems in planning and problem solving,
Difficulty in doing things known and done before,
Confusion about time and place
Difficulty in understanding and associating images with each other,
Word finding difficulties in speaking and writing
misplacing items,
Having difficulty in making a decision
Avoidance of social activities and obligations,
Personality changes are among the symptoms of the disease.
The patient with Alzheimer's symptoms should consult a neurologist as soon as possible. Treatment should be planned by investigating other causes of dementia.
There is no known definitive treatment for the disease. With the treatment, even if the disease is not completely eliminated, the progression of the disease can be slowed down and the problems experienced can be reduced. Various drugs are used to increase the patient's quality of life and to cope with emerging psychological problems. Correction of nutrition and use of some support products can support the treatment.
After the diagnosis of Alzheimer's, there are rules that the patient and his relatives must follow. The diagnosis should be accepted and the patient should be supported and encouraged in all his activities. From daily life activities; Bathing, toilet, urine-stool control, eating, dressing, shopping, money affairs, housework, food preparation, regular use of drugs should be especially followed. Notes should be taken on a piece of paper for the things to be done. The same should be done to locate items. It is dangerous for Alzheimer's patients to drive. Therefore, a person must accompany the patient as a driver. The patient should not restrict his hobbies. He must continue to do what he has done before. The more independent the patient can do, the more he will be able to maintain his quality of life.