“Cancer” is a disease that can be treated today, thanks to being conscious about its symptoms and being able to diagnose it at an early stage. Preventing cancer and living a healthy life is possible by paying attention to the small changes that may occur in the body.
If the swelling in the abdomen lasts longer than 2 weeks…
Persistent abdominal swelling lasting 2 weeks or longer should be taken seriously. Abdominal swelling or enlargement may be an early and sometimes the only sign of ovarian cancer. Abdominal swelling can also be a symptom of colorectal cancers, which are common in both men and women, with a high risk of death.
If you have digestive difficulties after a small amount of food…
Feeling full even after a small meal can be a sign of ovarian, pancreatic or stomach cancer. Pancreatic cancer is the most difficult to treat and must be detected at the earliest possible stage. Other common symptoms of pancreatic cancer in both men and women are; loss of appetite, involuntary weight loss, yellow eyes and/or skin (jaundice), and pale, large, slippery and floating stools.
If you urinate frequently and defecation habits change…
Frequent urination or inability to urinate despite frequent urination is one of the insidious symptoms of bladder cancer. In this disease, which mostly affects older men, reddish yellow or dark red urine is seen. Frequent urge to urinate is one of the prominent symptoms of ovarian cancer. Changes in defecation habits that last longer than a few days (diarrhea, constipation, etc.) or symptoms such as the feeling of defecation and inability to relax after defecation may also be indicators of colorectal cancer.
If a palpable mass and changes are seen in the breast…
Although a breast mass is one of the most common symptoms of breast cancer, there are also more noticeable symptoms. Swelling of all or part of the breast, redness or discoloration of the skin of the breast can be signs of inflammatory (inflammatory) breast cancer, which is rare but very aggressive and carries a risk of loss of life. These symptoms are not only for women, but also for men, which should be considered in breast cancer.
If you are losing weight unintentionally…
If weight loss happens unintentionally, it may be a sign of cancer. unexplained weight loss; It is a common symptom in stomach, pancreatic, lung and sometimes kidney cancers. Involuntary weight loss is when a person experiences weight loss despite having a good appetite and eating well. In addition, some people may experience symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and weakness.
If the hoarseness lasts for a long time…
hoarseness; it can be evaluated as a cold, allergy or a simple voice disorder. However, attention should be paid to the ongoing hoarseness. It allows smokers to consult a doctor in ongoing hoarseness, which allows for earlier diagnosis of possible laryngeal or lung cancer and a more effective treatment. Also, hoarseness can be a sign of esophageal, stomach, or thyroid cancer.
If there are lines on the nails…
Dark streaks on your toe or fingernails may not be a cause for concern, or they may be a sign of skin cancer (melanoma), one of the cancers with the highest risk of loss of life. These symptoms should not be ignored. In addition, it should not be forgotten that chronic wounds, skin tuberculosis, scars, chemicals containing some carcinogenic substances, and moles (large moles with different colors and shapes) may play an active role in skin cancer.