The main symptom of migraine that develops in attacks is headache. 30-35% of all headaches are migraine headaches. Migraine attacks are usually throbbing and may be exacerbated by activities. Along with the headache, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, discomfort from light, sound, and smell can also be seen. In many patients, one half of the head hurts and may change sides; generally tends to one half more than the other half. It is often located at the temples and sometimes behind the eye or eyes. The forehead, the back of the head and just behind the ear are the most common places for migraine headaches. The incidence in women at a young age when hormones are active is three times that of men.
There are certain factors that trigger migraine. However, these factors may not be valid for all migraineurs. Stress, extreme excitement, changes in sleep patterns, strenuous activities, hunger, cigarette smoke, heavy and sharp odors, certain foods such as chocolate, moldy cheese and nuts, alcoholic beverages, menstrual period or sudden weather changes can trigger migraine attacks.
Migraine attacks can be divided into two with and without aura. Some neurological symptoms seen just before the pain are called "Aura". Symptoms such as flickering, flashing lights, dizziness, excessive smell, and numbness in the arms and legs occur before the onset of pain or during the initial development of the pain. When the patient feels these symptoms, he understands that a migraine attack will come. These symptoms do not appear in migraine without aura.
The clinical diagnosis is made after the complaints of migraine patients are evaluated by the doctor.
The first condition in the treatment of migraine is to recognize the triggering factors and avoid the preventable ones. This alone will provide a significant reduction in the number of attacks. With appropriate treatment, patients can get rid of migraine attacks.
If the pain is infrequent after the diagnosis of migraine; Crisis treatment is planned to relieve pain attacks. Preventive treatment should be applied when attacks occur 1-2 times a week or more. In addition, treatment solutions must be sought because it negatively affects the quality of life and reduces productivity. Sometimes, pain attacks can disappear or their frequency and severity can be reduced by eliminating the triggering factors (such as hunger, insomnia, hormone use). A pain-free life for years can be achieved with medications taken only once a day under the control of a doctor.