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Non-Surgical Face and Body Lift

Writer: Uzm. Dr. Kerem BaykalUzm. Dr. Kerem Baykal

What is Hifu?

Hifu is non-invasive and advanced non-surgical recovery technology; Hifu does not use light like other lasers, it is a method that works with focused sound waves. In the non-surgical face and body lifting process with Doublo, sound waves are used to trigger collagen production in the lower layers of the skin, tightening and lifting the skin in a single session.

What are the indications?

- Natural face lift

- Patented in eyebrow lifting - Reducing forehead wrinkles

- Tickle and neck recovery

- Wrinkle treatment

- dangling sleeves

- Outer leg and inner leg drops

- Abdominal laxity

- Decreased nasolabial line depth

- Cheek recovery

- Determines the line in the face oval

Who receives doublo therapy?

As a person ages, the skin and skin tissues also age. Many functions of the skin decrease together with fibroblast and collagen in the skin. In this process, the skin loses its elasticity and loses volume.

However, today's conditions are now producing solutions without waiting for aging and the latest technology is used. Therefore, it can be applied to all ages, provided that the correct treatment is diagnosed without any age limit.

In which areas is skin rejuvenation and stretching applied with Doublo?

In patients with loss of facial ovality, deterioration in the jawline and sagging, cheeks, neck to correct sagging in the jowl area, eyebrow-forehead area to raise eyebrows, around the eyes to reduce wrinkles in the extraocular and lower part, and sagging in the arms. It is indicated for reductions in the inner leg - outer leg area and for the recovery of loose tissue in the abdomen.

How long does the application take?

Skin stretching time with ultrasound is 30-75 minutes depending on the application area. varies between

Skin stretching with Doublo is a one-session application. If the person wants to have it done again, it can be repeated within 6 months at the earliest and 2 years at the latest.

Is skin rejuvenation with Doublo a safe method?

Ultrasound energy has been used safely in medicine for more than 50 years. Doublo therapy is the only system that has been applied to over a thousand clinical cases in Turkey.

Is the application painful?

During the application, patients generally describe the pain they feel as 'hot needle prick' or mild heat sensitivity. Since it is a focused ultrasound technique, there is no need for anesthesia since no pain is felt in the upper tissue. In fact, it is a safe treatment method that the person can return to his daily life as it will not affect his social life. Burns, blemishes, etc. on the skin. does not cause serious side effects.

When do the results of skin rejuvenation with Doublo appear?

An acute improvement can be observed immediately after the application. The effect becomes more pronounced every day. If we consider the wound healing mechanism, the maximum effect occurs at the end of three months. Because Doublo hifu focused high-frequency ultrasound stimulates collagen production, the results are long-lasting.

What is ultrasound?

Humans can hear sound waves in the 16-20 kHz range. Sound waves of 20 kHz and above are high frequency ultrasound. The generated ultrasound energy transforms into thermal energy at the maximum focusing point and focuses on the desired tissue depth, namely the smas fascia layer, without damaging the upper layer of the skin, and creates a thermal coagulative area on it. This temperature under the skin is 60-70 centigrade degrees on average and creates small heat damages that increase collagen production in the connective tissue.

How to apply skin rejuvenation with Doublo?

With Doublo, it reaches high-frequency ultrasound waves focused 1.5 mm - 3 mm - 4.5 mm - 13 mm below the skin in the targeted application areas with the face, neck and body caps, and creates small heat damages that increase collagen production.

During the procedure, the skin surface is not affected by the application. Without the need for surgery. painless, sagging skin and tissues are recovered thanks to the triggering of new collagen, wrinkles are reduced. It can be applied safely in every color and every skin type without side effects such as burning and pigmentation.

In which areas is skin rejuvenation and stretching applied with Doublo?

In patients with loss of facial ovality, distortion and sagging in the jawline, cheeks, neck to correct sagging in the jowl area, eyebrow-forehead area to raise eyebrows, around the eyes to reduce wrinkles outside and under the eye, and sagging of the arms. It is indicated for reductions in the inner leg - outer leg area and for the recovery of loose tissue in the abdomen.



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